CHAPTER SEVEN: The label template editor To aid in the production of disk label templates, DiskTracker provides a powerful editing environment. This environment, which functions much like an object-oriented draw program (like MacDraw™), makes the creation of original, creative, and functional disk labels simple. Using the label template editor • To activate the label template editor: 1.) Select “Label Template Editor…” from the Label menu. 2.) You will be presented with the editor window and a new untitled template. Label filing   • To open a saved label template: 1.) Select a label template to open from the “Open Label Template:” pop up menu within the editor window. • To create a new label template: 1.) Click on the “New Template” button within the editor window. • To save a label template: 1.) If the label template hasn’t been saved yet (or you would like to save under a different name), click on the “Save As…” button. Enter a new name when prompted. If the template has been saved at least one time, you can click on the “Save” button (or press ⌘S) to save the template. • To revert a label template to its last saved state: 1.) Click on the “Revert…” button. You will be asked to confirm this action—click on the “Revert” button to reset the changes or “Cancel” to abort. • To delete a label template: 1.) Make sure that the label template that you would like to delete is open (open it from the “Open Label Template…” pop-up menu). 2.) Click on the “Delete…” button. You will be asked to confirm this action—click on the “Delete” button to delete the template or “Cancel” to abort. Label template dimensions The dimensions of a label template can be set easily through the editor. The size of a label template need not be the same as the measurement in the label sheet layout for the disk label. If these measurements differ, the template will be centered within and clipped to the size of the label sheet label. It is also possible to switch on a border which prints around the template to help if the label needs to be cut out. • To edit the size of label template: 1.) Click the “Template Dimensions…” button within the editor. 2.) In the dialog which appears, set the horizontal size and the front, back, and edge sizes of the disk label. These sizes can be shown and edited in either inches or centimeters, depending on the setting of the dialog’s radio buttons. 3.) If you would like a border to be printed around the label (to aid in cutting out the label), check the “Show borders in printout” check box. 4.) Click “OK” to lock in the new settings or “Cancel” to abort. Drawing label templates The label template editor offers several tools with which to draw label templates:   The arrow—allows you to select items so that you might alter their characteristics.   The info field tool—allows you incorporate fields in your document which reflect the characteristics of the disk (including such things as name, size, serial number, etc.).   The text tool—allows you to create simple text fields that do not change from disk to disk (also called static text fields).   The line tool—allows you to draw lines.   45° line tool—allows you to draw lines which are constrained to angles of 45° only.   Rectangle tool—allows you to draw rectangles and boxes.   Rounded-edge rectangle tool—allows you to draw rectangles with rounded corners.   Oval tool—allows you to draw ovals and circles.   Line widths—choose the width of the lines used by the above tools in the range from 1 to 8 pixels in width.   Foreground/background color selectors (for Macs with Color QuickDraw only)—choose colors from the system’s color picker for the foreground (represented by black in the patterns) and the background (represented by white in the patterns)   Line pattern indicator—shows the current pattern and colors used for drawing lines and edges of shapes. If an upward-pointing triangle is visible below this box, all changes to the colors and patterns will alter the line patterns.   Area pattern indicator—shows the current pattern and colors used for drawing the inner areas of shapes. If an upward-pointing triangle is visible below this box, all changes to the colors and patterns will alter the area patterns.   Pattern selector—choose from this palette for the line and area patterns. An ‘N’ represents a transparent pattern. Drawing items To draw an item within the template editor, be sure that the correct tool is selected on the left side of the window. Click the mouse at one corner of the shape. drag across and release at the opposite corner. For lines, click at one end of the line, drag across and release at the other end of the line. Shapes will be drawn with the default line and pattern settings (the settings that are visible when nothing is selected). Text will be drawn using the area color (line color and area/line patterns will be ignored). Selecting items To select an item (to change its attributes or to delete it), make sure that the arrow tool is selected from the tool palette. Click on a visible portion of the item (i.e., not on a part of the shape that is using a transparent pattern). If you hold down the shift key while you click on the item, you can select without clearing the previous selections. In addition, you can also click on an unoccupied area of the editing area and drag over the items you wish to select. You can select all of the items by selecting “Select All…” from the Edit menu, or press ⌘A. Resizing items • To resize an item: 1.) Select the item you would like to resize. 2.) Drag the resize handles (the little black squares on the corners of the item) until the item is the correct size. Moving items • To move an item: 1.) Click on the item or items that you would to move, as if you were selecting it, but don’t let go of the mouse button go and then drag the item to where you would like it to be. Changing the layer of an item Within a template, items can be in front of other items and behind others. If an item is in the back, parts of it may not be visible, as they may be obscured by other items. It is possible to move items forward and backward through the layers. • To change an item’s layer: 1.) Select the item whose layer you would like to change. 2.) Select either “Move To Back”, “Move Back One Item”, “Move Forward One Item”, or “Move To Front” from the arrangement menu, which is represented by this icon:   Deleting items • To delete an item: 1.) Select the item or items that you would like to delete. 2.) Select “Clear” from the Edit menu or press the delete key on the keyboard. Copying and pasting items DiskTracker allows the pasting of PICT graphics into disk labels. This allows you to incorporate color bitmapped graphics into your disk labels. • To paste a PICT graphic into DiskTracker: 1.) Be sure that you have copied the graphic to the clipboard (from a paint program or the scrapbook or whatever). 2.) Select “Paste” from the Edit menu (or press ⌘V). 3.) The graphic will appear at the middle of the editing area. If the graphic is larger than the editing area, it will be reduced in size until it fits. You can then resize the graphic and place it where you want it. You can also copy items from the label template editor as PICT graphics. • To cut or copy an item from DiskTracker: 1.) Select the item (or items) that you would like to copy. 2.) Select “Copy” (⌘C) or “Cut” (⌘X) from the Edit menu. 3.) You can then paste the object back into DiskTracker as a label template item, or into another program as a PICT graphic. Editing text items To enter text into a static text field (that is, one that does not change from disk to disk), you must use the text entry box. • To use the text entry box: 1.) Double click on the static text item you would like to change. 2.) Enter (or edit) the text in the Field Text dialog box:   3.) Click “OK” to change the text or “Cancel” to abort. The font, size, style, and alignment of the text may also be altered. In addition, you may rotate the text in 90° increments. • To alter the text style of an item: 1.) Select the item. 2.) Select the new text font, size, style, alignment, or rotation from the font style pop up menu:   Item info fields Item info fields are where the real business of label templates take place. These fields, which vary from disk to disk, can contain such information as the disk’s name, size, serial number, creation dates, and so forth. There is also a special kind of info field—the file list, which produces a list of the files on the disk. • To create an item info field (this does not apply to file lists): 1.) Select the kind of info field you would like to create from the info fields pop up menu. 2.) Select the field tool. 3.) Draw the item. 4.) You will be given the opportunity to enter some text to precede the field with. Typically, this would be something like “Name: ” to indicate that the information following is the disk’s name, for instance:   5.) Click “OK” to create the field or “Cancel” to abort. • To create a file list: 1.) Select the “File List” item from the item field pop-up menu. 2.) Select the field tool. 3.) Draw the file list within the editing area. NOTE—File lists cannot have preceding text. If you wish to put text preceding a file list, create a static text item next to the first line of the file list. There are several preferences which can be adjusted for file lists, including an item filter that specifies which items should be included on the label. In addition, file lists can be shown in either one or two columns and can have the directories underlined:   NOTE—If a disk label template has more than one file list, both lists will have the same settings. Each file list does not maintain its own set of file list preferences. • To set the file list preferences: 1.) Select a file list. 2.) Click on the “File List Preferences…” button. 3.) Adjust the settings to your liking. The “Select Item Filter…” button presents you with a standard item filter manipulation dialog, as described in chapter four. 4.) Click “OK” to lock in the new preferences or “Cancel” to abort.